Since I started writing I get a crazy idea in my head and I jot it down on a post-it. (FYI: I love post-its!!!) Anyway, this one idea kept creeping up and wouldn't leave me alone. So, I brought it to my publishers attention and they agreed for me to publish it. It's a series that deal with female issues. By that I mean, typical issues that I've lived through and others that I know. Before I go to far in depth let me tell you about book 1. The titles will be 'different' but that is the point, right?! Book 1 will be called: I'm the Real Paige Crosby I know its a mouthful, but there is a purpose for it...promise! The series will be called: I'm Real Series . Book 1 will deal with self-esteem issues. A small overview of the book is that Paige Crosby is overweight, and receives a big job opportunity. However, she doesn't think that she deserves it and hides in the shadows. There is more to it, but that is just a quick note about...