Goodbye 2013 .... Bring it on 2014

Wow, I can't believe that it, 2013 is over

 What a crazy year have I had!!?? Let's recap: Last year, started out rough because the NHL was still dealing with the lockout. Oh,  the horror:


Now, it's okay .. at least for a few more years!

It was my love of hockey that brought to what is happening to me now......bring an author!

That is still very hard for me to say, because It still feels so unreal!!

With the support of my family and friends, I wrote Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)!! Then came: Breaking the Ice (The Ice series (Vol 2))

I still can't believe it.

With that brought the greatest partnership EVER! My dear sweet LP (aka Lindsay Paige). Where would I be without that girl!?

LP and ME!!!
Our partnership brought two full books: Breakaway (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) and Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy). Of course, I can't forget our novella:Our First Christmas (The Penalty Kill Trilogy)

All of this has happened since JUNE!!

Now all I can say is:

BRING IT 2014!!!



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