
Showing posts from November, 2019

It's Monday!

Long post … because I like interrupting your Monday evening! My current read ... I had been reading a self-help/self-improvement book about once a week all summer long. Then I just stopped. For no reason, I just stopped. Then, my real life (sort-of) spiraled out of control from Aug till … well, it's still happening, but less chaotic. I know everyone has issues and problems and I'm not trying to sit here and be 'poor me, look at me, be sorry for me'. Actually, I'm the opposite. Yes, my life sucks right now, but I'm trying to find the light. There's always light, you just have to search for it. I don't have many friends. In fact, I have no close personal friends and haven't for several years now. Sure, I have people I can call and be like, 'let's hang out', but I've stopped doing that. One, I work too much to keep a social life and two, I enjoy just coming home and doing .. NOTHING! Especially, after a long day...

Mary, where have you been?

Time and time again it seems I'm making these post on this site. I'm sorry. I truly am, because I used to blog all the time. My real life is a constant pain in my foot!  However, let me give you an update on what is going on with my books.  I am writing... every. single. day! Promise! If you saw my wreck of a house and the mountain of laundry, you would see my eyes have been glued to the laptop screen and fingers on the keyboard.  I am writing four stories at this current time.  1) The first is NH 14! Yes, this book is due to my editor the first week of December and I'm looking toward a Jan/Feb release date. I do have the cover (which can be the hardest part at times!) and a (sort-of) blurb done. If you want to know who this book will focus on … you should read The Opposite Attractions NH 13 (click here ) because this will lead into NH 14. 😁😁😁 2) The second is a secret with Melody Heck Gatto. This will be coming in Feb - that much I can te...