Mary, where have you been?

Time and time again it seems I'm making these post on this site. I'm sorry. I truly am, because I used to blog all the time. My real life is a constant pain in my foot! 

However, let me give you an update on what is going on with my books. 

I am writing... every. single. day! Promise! If you saw my wreck of a house and the mountain of laundry, you would see my eyes have been glued to the laptop screen and fingers on the keyboard. 

I am writing four stories at this current time. 

1) The first is NH 14! Yes, this book is due to my editor the first week of December and I'm looking toward a Jan/Feb release date. I do have the cover (which can be the hardest part at times!) and a (sort-of) blurb done. If you want to know who this book will focus on … you should read The Opposite Attractions NH 13 (click here) because this will lead into NH 14. 😁😁😁

2) The second is a secret with Melody Heck Gatto. This will be coming in Feb - that much I can tell you! I have truly enjoyed continuing writing with Melody! She is an incredible author and has become a friend! And for those who have asked, YES, there will be a Grizzlies Book 2 and no I don't know when it will be coming out. As soon as I know, you'll know! 😉😉😉

3) The third is one with the ever amazing Lindsay Paige. Yes, LP and I are writing again! This WILL NOT be a hockey book, but I think you all will love it. Once we get it finished. Again, I don't have a release date, but once we do, you'll know! 😄😄😄

4) Okay, this one is coming from left field (FYI: that's a hint) In many, many, many of the NH Bears books, I discuss other teams. (If you haven't noticed that, it's okay!) One of the teas discussed is a baseball team and I will be co-authoring this series with a brand new author! She's never been published before and let me tell you right now … she should have been published twenty times over! She's amazing! As of right now, we're not going to release too much. Well... maybe one small detail couldn't hurt right? There 'might' be something this summer... 😏😏😏

There are more hidden gems coming out in 2020, but we'll save those for another day!

Again, I thank you all for the support! You truly bring joy to my daily life!

Mary S. 


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