It's Monday!

Long post … because I like interrupting your Monday evening!

My current read ...
I had been reading a self-help/self-improvement book about once a week all summer long. Then I just stopped. For no reason, I just stopped.
Then, my real life (sort-of) spiraled out of control from Aug till … well, it's still happening, but less chaotic.
I know everyone has issues and problems and I'm not trying to sit here and be 'poor me, look at me, be sorry for me'. Actually, I'm the opposite. Yes, my life sucks right now, but I'm trying to find the light. There's always light, you just have to search for it.
I don't have many friends. In fact, I have no close personal friends and haven't for several years now. Sure, I have people I can call and be like, 'let's hang out', but I've stopped doing that. One, I work too much to keep a social life and two, I enjoy just coming home and doing .. NOTHING! Especially, after a long day at the day job.
However, doing nothing, is becoming a problem for me. I've gained 20 lbs back. I was down almost 60 lbs, but up 20 more. It brings me down. I won't say depressed, because depression is a serious mental health issue. I just get down on myself. I know you shouldn't compare yourself to others and I tell everyone to STOP IT! However, it's easy to tell others to do it, and you not follow your own advice.
It's me! I'm the one who doesn't follow my own advice.
This is where self-improvement books help me. Sometimes reading the words of another helps me put it all in perspective.
This is also why I share so much with you all.
Sure, I can come on here and be like OMG MY LIFE IS GREAT! LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT THAT! IT'S PERFECT! All the while, I'm crying in the corner.
I'm not that girl.
My life sucks. Stress is piling on my shoulders and I'm trying to be stronger than I was the day before, which is becoming harder and harder. I just need to step back, evaluate how I need to approach it and do it.
Again, it's easier to say than do, but I have faith in me and I have faith in you.
FYI: my current read is .... CLICK HERE
And I'm trying to make today a great day!


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