Behind the Scenes of Mary Smith

Every wonder what an author's life is really like? It's a hot mess. I'm sure many of you have seen the perfectly clean desk and spacious offices.

Let me tell you ... not all of us are that organized.

This is my true behind the scenes.

I'm currently working on six different books, two of which are being co-authored (those surprises will be announced later) therefore, my desk is a mess.

But, it's my mess!

First my desk ...

This is the main part of my desk ... are you can see ... it's a mess! haha!

This is the left side of my desk. As you can see my computer is always streaming Hulu or Netflix. I have to have some type of movie and/or show going as I write/blog/work. You can also see my journals. There are notes, ideas, and such for books to come and books I've already written.

This is the top (or hutch) of my desk. You don't want to open those doors. HAHA! Behind there are all my business contracts, receipts I need to get to my accountant (which I've not done!), and more crap I need to get in order. 

Oh but I'm not done ... there's more!!

This is the STAND! My stand has all my current projects in there. I hand write all of my books, minus my co-written ones. You're currently looking at the next few books of the New Hampshire Bears, The Manchester Cats, a vampire book, and a wolf book...

That's right all of those are for the end of this year and most of 2018!

Are you asking what this mess is? You're not alone! This is paper. All paper! After I hand write my books, then type them, I actually print them all out and read/edit them, before I send it off to the real editor. Every time paper goes on sale... I buy it up!!

There it is ... 

That's my office!

Scary right!?


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